
Mello Diorama - a solo exhibition by Sickboy

Shooting Gallery Project Space is pleased to present Mello Diorama from UK-artist Sickboy. The exhibition will feature four original paintings, framed sketches, and a special unique multiple edition on paper made specifically for the show, with hand-painted fills (unique multiples), edition of 10. The exhibition is free and open to the public for viewing through March 2nd, 2013.

With 2012’s Wonder Club, the artists’ first major US solo show, Sickboy gave San Francisco a look inside an elaborate dream world. Mello Diorama aims to evoke a similar lucid dream experience with influences drawn from the legacy of San Francisco’s underground comic scene. An animated diorama created with elements taken from Sickboy’s paintings will fill most of the space, giving viewers a surreal look at the cycle of life and death.

A leading artist to emerge from Bristol’s infamous graffiti scene, Sickboy’s humorous work has cemented his place in the upper echelons of the British street art movement. He is one of the first UK artists to use a logo in place of a tag, and his red and yellow street logo known as 'The Temple' can be seen on walls and wheelie bins worldwide. Sickboy has built up one of the largest bodies of street art works in UK history. His work hit the big screen recently in Banksy’s Oscar-nominated film, Exit Through the Gift Shop, His temples, slogans and audacious stunts – including the caged heart installation dropped outside the Tate Modern in 2008 – have landed him global recognition.

2 comentários:

Dalaiama disse...

Olá querida amiga! :D E não sei se já reparaste que o Sickboy deixou algumas marcas por Lx, vi algumas tintas dele (sempre aquela figura que lembra uma torre muçulmana em amarelo torrado e vermelho bordeaux) no BA (que acho que já apagaram) e no Chiado. Junto ao Governo Civil há um tag a branco num vidro de loja abandonada, e nas escadinhas que descem desde a rua Ivens até aquela outra da FNAC há à direita um outro desenho. Acho que o resto desapareceu... beijinho e abraço enorme!

CC disse...

Amigo D.! Que bom ler-te por cá! :)
Oh, não reparei, não! :( Quando tiver oportunidade hei-de "investigar" a zona. eheh
Beijinho grande e abraço apertado, amigo.